Don’t Be A Part Of The 80% In 2022

Sometimes Living A Happy And Healthy Life Takes A Little Effort

Don’t Be A Part Of The 80% In 2022

Well, another New Year is upon us, that’s when we shed the past year and look forward to a bright happy and healthy new year. Many of us will start on a new year’s resolution, which in reality are goals that we set for ourselves. We should all set goals for ourselves, things we want to do and accomplish for the new year ahead.

I know many people who have said over the past few months that come the new year they are gonna stop smoking, or start eating better, lose weight, earn more money, be a better person and so on, and so on. All great goals or resolutions, but unfortunately statics show that 80% of all new years resolutions fail by February. but why does this happen, how can we start off so gung ho on January 1st and by February 15th we are back to our old routines?

It is my opinion that when people set their new years resolutions deep down inside it is not really that important to them. Saying you are gonna do something without conviction really means nothing. Remember that old saying “Action speaks louder than words.”

Since I am not a psychologist, I figured I should check with one, so I turned to Psychology Today for the answer to why so many people fail, here’s what they had to say.

While the reasons vary from person to person, here are 4 common ways you are standing in the way of your own success.

Your goals aren’t clear.

Do you know where your goals came from?

Why are they important to you?

How would achieving these goals influence your life?

If you can’t answer these questions easily, you may need to consider clarifying your goals prior to setting them. Uncertainty about your goals creates room for indifference, confusion, and distance between your goals and your aspirations. You may think the most important step is simply creating the goals, but crafting vague objectives can cause you more psychological distress. The crucial component is tailoring tasks that align with who you are and where you wish to be.

You feel overwhelmed.

Change can be daunting. It may seem as though you are making a sharp turn to adapt to a path paved with your goals. You may not know where to start, however, you may also be facing pressure to hurry up and do so. The pressure surrounding you may come from your environment, culture, loved ones, and even from yourself. Over time, this pressure may cause it to seem as though the walls are beginning to close in on you. Even if you surface from the pressure, you may not know where the road begins. Further, even if you do know where the journey starts, looking at the long road ahead may cause you to feel as though it’s too much, too soon. These factors may cause you to quit before you even start.

You feel discouraged.

As you strive for your goals, you may become impatient in the process. Perhaps you are not seeing signs of progress, or at least not as fast as you previously expected. You may find yourself reflecting on the pros and cons, and whether the goals are even valuable. When this happens, you’re at risk of a snowball effect. Rather than getting up, dusting off your hands, and moving forward, when faced with hurdles in the process your goals may no longer seem doable or desirable.

If you’re unwilling to abandon your aspirations, you may then find yourself at a fork in the road. At this point, you may the decision to continue as is or reevaluate your process. You may be set in your ways, comfortable in your routine, and attached to your idea of the goal and the regimented way in which it must be achieved. On one hand, your methods may be adequate and you simply need more time. On the other hand, rigid adherence to your strategies may cause you to be blinded at the other possibilities that may promote goal-attainment.

You’re not ready to change.

Growth isn’t a linear process. You may think you are interested in change, and you very well maybe, but are you ready? The chances are, if you’re setting new goals for yourself, you may be hungry for some level of change. Nevertheless, failure to thoroughly consider the corresponding whatwhen, where, and why may cause you to lack the ability to truly ask yourself if you are currently ready to make the necessary changes. You may find yourself making and taking every excuse under the sun that helps you step away from your path. This lack of connection, motivation, and dedication doesn’t mean that your goals aren’t representative of your dreams. It may simply mean that they are not the goals that matter the most to you at this present time.

Now for me, when I made up my mind to lose my 50 pounds and start taking better care of myself, it was all about motivation and determination. I only read motivational books and stuck to my goals. Now 11 years later I am a better and healthier person for it.

Don’t be an 80 percenter, stick to your guns and you will feel much better about yourself. 




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