Don’t Worry Yourself Into Bad Health

Sometimes Living A Happy And Healthy Life Takes A Little Effort

Don’t Worry Yourself Into Bad Health

Are you a worrier? Sometimes life throws things at us and we can’t help but worry. Me, I’ve never been much of a worrier. They say that 95% of the things we worry about we have no control over, so why worry about them.

A lot of people seem to be worriers these days, especially because of this crazy virus that’s going around, and I guess they should be. But worrying yourself to death is something you should avoid.

Many people just don’t realize how much worrying is harmful to their health. Worrying causes stress and stress is a killer to your body. Worrying is feeling uneasy or being overly concerned about a situation or problem. With excessive worrying, your mind and body go into overdrive as you constantly focus on “what might happen.”

Nervous System

This messaging network is made up of your brain, spinal cord, nerves, and special cells called neurons. Worrying too much can trigger it to release “stress hormones” that speed up your heart rate and breathing, raise your blood sugar, and send more blood to your arms and legs. Over time, this can affect your heart, blood vessels, muscles, and other systems.


Worrying can make you more likely to have high blood pressure, a heart attack, or a stroke. Higher levels of anxiety can trigger those stress hormones that make your heart beat faster and harder. If that happens over and over, your blood vessels may get inflamed, which can lead to hardened artery walls, unhealthy cholesterol levels, and other problems. 

Immune System

If your body is affected by the physical effects of worry, it may not fight germs as well. Just thinking about things that made you angry or depressed in the past can take a toll. It can make it harder for you to fend off the flu, herpes, shingles, and other viruses. 

 Worrying cause physical reactions such as:

It boils down to this, some people are just natural worriers, some are not. If you find that you worry about little things too much and it’s affecting your health, talk to your doctor, he can prescribe something to help stay calm.

Like the song says: Don’t Worry Be Happy



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