Tag: bacteria.

Sometimes Living A Happy And Healthy Life Takes A Little Effort

Quiz Of The Week: Fresh, Frozen Or Canned What’s The Difference

Join Me For A New Quiz O.K. Are You Ready To Take The Quiz? It’s Simple, Just Select The Answer You Think Is Right, Than Wait A Few Seconds To Find Out If You Were Correct Or Not. Good Luck And Have Fun

Crazy Health Fads From The Past

Taking better care of ourselves is a must as we approach our Golden Years.  But what is the right thing to do? We hear about different diets all the time, but which one is actually good for us? We hear about different foods or concoctions, this month everyone jumps on the bandwagon, next month it’s…
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Don’t Let Them Tell You Beer Is Unhealthy

Who doesn’t like a nice ice-cold beer on a hot summer day? I’ll tell you, I don’t drink as much beer as I used to. In my younger day, I used to guzzle beer as well as many other kinds of alcoholic beverages. But as I got older and realized that I needed to start…
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Popcorn Causes Man To Have Open Heart Surgery

Every now and then I run across a story I find hard to believe. Who would believe that eating popcorn would cause a man to have open heart surgery, but it obviously did or did it? It seems a 41-year-old British man who attempted to dislodge a piece of popcorn stuck in his teeth using…
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