Tag: sarcopenia

Sometimes Living A Happy And Healthy Life Takes A Little Effort

Use It Or Lose It Baby

How many times have you heard that saying? It’s true no matter what age you are, but it’s so much truer as we get into our Golden Years, that goes for mentally and physically.   Mentally  Changes in cognitive function, such as the slow speed of information processing, are common in normal aging. However, each…
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What’s The Story About Aging And Weight Gain?

Most people believe that once you hit a certain age you just start gaining weight and there is nothing you can do about it. Well, that’s partly right, at a certain age we do start gaining weight, but we don’t have too. Although we are all different and weight gain will affect everyone at different…
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The Importance Of Protein As We Age

Everyone has heard of protein, but why we need it and what it does most people don’t know. First of all, what is protein?  Protein is one of a complex group of molecules that do all kinds of jobs in your body. They make up your hair, nails, bones, and muscles. Protein gives tissues and…
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