What’s The Story About Aging And Weight Gain?

Sometimes Living A Happy And Healthy Life Takes A Little Effort

What’s The Story About Aging And Weight Gain?

Most people believe that once you hit a certain age you just start gaining weight and there is nothing you can do about it. Well, that’s partly right, at a certain age we do start gaining weight, but we don’t have too. Although we are all different and weight gain will affect everyone at different ages, one thing is constant for all, we can prevent weight gain. Here are some frequently asked questions. 

Is Thinner Better As You Get Older?

You want to be healthy, not frail. Some seniors become thinner and weaker. Health risks come with being overweight, of course. For older adults, what matters most is how active you are and whether you can do all your everyday activities. It’s less about what you weigh and more about how much of your weight is muscle instead of fat. Your doctor can tell you if your weight is on track, in light of your age and overall health.


When Does Your Metabolism Start To Slow Down?

Starting in your 20s, you burn about 150 fewer calories per day. A big reason is that your body starts to shift its makeup — more fat and less muscle — if you’re not active. Muscles burn more calories than fat, so if you let your muscles go, you won’t burn as many calories as you used to.


Eating Too Much Is The No. 1 Reason For Gaining Weight?

Aging changes your body. Your metabolism slows down. You have to work harder to hang on to your muscle mass. So even if you’re eating exactly the way you did when you were younger, age-related changes stack the deck in favor of gaining weight. Food still matters, but it’s not shifting the numbers on your scale by itself.


Does Menopause Make Women Gain Weight?

Menopause is when a woman stops having menstrual periods. It happens around age 51, on average. Around the same age, many people — women and men — find that they’re gaining weight. The biggest reasons for the extra pounds are a slower metabolism and less muscle mass, not menopause. Exercise still helps!


How Many Calories Per Day Should You Get After Age 50 If You Are Moderately Active?

At any age, the number of calories you should get each day depends on how active you are. In this case, “moderately active” is equal to walking 1.5 to 3 miles a day at 3 or 4 miles per hour. “Very active” would be walking more than 3 miles a day at that pace.

1,800 for women and 2,000 to 2,200 for men.


Is Gaining Weight A Fact Of Ageing?

You can keep your weight steady as you age. It does get harder, but it’s still possible. Those corners you cut when you were younger (huge portions, happy hours, little to no exercise)? You can’t get away with that anymore. But age does not have to equal weight gain.


Once Your muscle Mass Starts To Go, It’s Too Late.

Save as much of your muscle mass as possible by strength training. You can use weight machines at a gym, or you can strength-train at home using hand-held weights, resistance bands, or your own body weight (think yoga poses, pushups, squats, and other basic moves). 


What Is Sarcopenia?

Sarcopenia is not a disease. Becoming less active is a big reason for this muscle loss. Hormonal changes and poor nutrition also can contribute to it. The fix: It takes exercise and nutrition.


Does Your Sense Of Taste Fade With Age?

When older adults lose their appetites, it may be because their senses of taste and smell aren’t what they used to be.

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